Monday, February 24, 2020

The Enduring Value of History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Enduring Value of History - Assignment Example The history of modern art dates back to 1880. Modern art broke from the restrictions of realism in art that was the norm in those days. Modern art embraced a subjective representation of real life objects. Modern artwork is more inclined to looking inwards and artists seek to portray the evolution of their subject over a period of time. According to Gregory, this form of art was targeted at showcasing the evolution of ideas over time and the impact of the society . Modern art evolved over time to present the changes in the society. Impressionism was the first form of modern art that deviated from the traditional aspects of art. The modern artists who practiced this style focused majorly on recreating the scene of the art and appealing to the emotional aspect of the painting. Cubism was more inclined towards finding strong forms for art work instead of just squares. The composition of the artwork was given prominence and primitive geometric shapes were not prioritized. The most vital aspect of modern art that is relevant to the requirements of Apperception is the use abstraction. Abstract art focuses on a feeling of thought that cannot be quantified and not necessarily a recognizable object. The paintings that applied this style showcased several layers of abstraction. The importance of this abstraction is that it spurs the mind to generate interpretations of the painting in several unique ways . It’s a possibility to have a unique interpretation of the painting each time that he sees it.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Has state played a leading role in upgrading technologies in the Asia Essay

Has state played a leading role in upgrading technologies in the Asia Pacific Answer with reference to relevant theories and us - Essay Example The integration of firms in Asia Pacific into GPNs have greatly stimulated industrial development. Operating under GPNs, Asia Pacific firms have been successful at tapping into the leading markets in the world (Barbara, 2008).   Through this, these firms have been able to compensate for their small size domestic market. Through network participation, Asia Pacific Firms have been able to access to the leading-edge technologies, as well as best-practice management approaches (Barbara, 2008).  This has created pressures, incentives, as well as new opportunities for the Asia Pacific network suppliers to update and upgrade their management and technological capabilities and the workers’ skill levels. Studies indicate that Asia pacific governments have been behind the most of the scientific innovations in these regions. The focus of this paper to discuss the role of Asia Pacific countries in upgrading technologies in the Asia Pacific region. The role of governments continues to be a source of development of industrial capabilities and economic growth in Pacific Asia region. However, the 2010 downturn in the electronics industry and the 1997 global financial crisis brutally exposed the model of technological diversification. A country becomes more vulnerable (1) if it becomes highly integrated into GPN (2) if its large share of exports is  purely electronic, and (3) if it is largely dependent on exporting products to the United States for purposes of getting revenue (Iansiti, & West, 1997). Additionally, returns for the factory model are also decreasing. As capital intensive for these investments increase, new employments are generated (Iansiti & West, 1997). It also causes the decline in local spillovers to domestic suppliers as global contract manufacturers contribute their services to the integrated manufacturing, which in turn increases the share of production of the global industry. Moreover, much of the investments of global factory has remained foo tloose leading to relocation of new low-cost locales and plant closure. Asia Pacific firms heavily rely on Japanese, European, and American firms as their dominant source of new technology. This shows why heavy concentration of innovative capabilities, R&D, and intellectual property rights being centered on the U.S (Iansiti, & West, 1997). For Asia Pacific, this led to razor-thin margins due to hefty licensing fee levied by the dominant global brand firms. A broad consensus has emerged across the region that electronic industries within Asia region need to upgrade to somewhat higher value-added technologically more attractive services, products and production stages (Chomsky, & Robert, 2011).  These changes, however, require strong innovative capabilities to be developed. In order to achieve this, the leading software and electronic companies and the Asia Pacific states have sought to improve and develop knowledge, skills, and management techniques required to help create and comm ercialize new services, products, processes, equipment and business models (Chomsky & Robert, 2011).   The states and these companies have focused on what is feasible (Chanda, 2007). This has been done with the view that the region as a whole has continued to substantially lag behind in the development of the broad-based science and technology systems (Chanda, 2007). Instead of directly adopting technology leadership