Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Criminal Justice Agency Budget Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Criminal Justice Agency Budget - Case Study Example Budgets should reflect management's planned change initiatives, related costs, and expected results. 2) Performance-past and current performance, as well as that of like organizations, should contribute to the budgeting process. Consideration needs to be given to uncontrollable external changes that could dramatically affect the operation and its results. Examples of such events include rising energy costs, economic slowdowns, foreign threats, shifts in technology, and changing global markets. 3) People-good intra- and inter-organizational communications are essential to developing both good plans and good budgets. From customers to suppliers to internal personnel, the higher the quality of information, thought, and input into the process, the more likely a more realistic budget will result. The Fiscal Services Unit of the City of Yonkers is responsible for preparing and monitoring the police department's budget, processing its payroll, keeping time and leave records for its personnel, and ensuring that reimbursements due the department are obtained in a timely manner. (McElron, 2008) The unit also provides statistical information to city departments as well as outside government agencies. Presently, the unit consists of a Captain, an Account Clerk IV (Jackie Olmsted), a Clerk III (Flo Fallon), two Clerk IIs (Janet Castelli, and Louise Campbell) and a Clerk I (Michael Gale). The Fiscal Services Unit prepares operating and capital budget requests for the police department based on information provided by each unit or division's commanding officer. In accordance with the readings for this course, I would classify the budget system as an annual system (meaning that a budget is proposed for each year). For fiscal year 2007/2008, which began on July 1, 2007 and continues until June 30, 2008, the police department's operating budget is $69,106,663; personnel costs comprise 98% of the operating budget. After receiving the adopted budget from the city, the Fiscal Services Unit monitors expenditures to ensure that they are in compliance with the department's budget. The annual budget model is the best suited for the City of Yonkers as it allows the Fiscal Services Unit to maintain the pulse of the budget while planning ahead for the city's needs for the next year. (Bennett & Hess, 2007, pg. 416) In administering the budget, the Fiscal Servi

Monday, October 28, 2019

The church of England national society Essay Example for Free

The church of England national society Essay In 1800 there were only a very small number of women who were literate, this was a large number of women who could neither read, nor write, this was the way that the men of the time wanted it to be. This was because women were not seen to need these skills, they should stay in the home and perform their duties as a mother. By 1900 a large number of women were literate. This change was largely due to universal elementary education. The biggest early provider of this education were factories and workhouses, the education went hand-in-hand with these places as many women children were working at them at this time. Also, the poor law began in 1834, unemployed people could go to work houses where they would be given jobs to do. These jobs were often meaningless tasks such as bone breaking to try and encourage people to get out and get a job. Naturally the conditions at these places were horrible. This was to make sure that you would not go there by choice and sponge off the state. The poor law also made the work houses legally bound to give half time education to all its child workers. These schools taught the three Rs, reading, writing and arithmetic. The education was poor but it was equal for both genders. Workhouse schools were often a lot worse than in the factories, both sexes were taught to read but girls were often taught more domestic jobs such as sewing and cooking rather than academic subjects that they would not need in the home In 1870 the education act was passed to educate all. The church wanted people to read the bible and so the Church of England National Society for Education was set up. The majority of working class children went to these schools at some point, the Sunday schools offered similar education to factory schools and religious groups financed them. Some people believe that this was just a social control to convince the working classes to accept their position in life. Although this was one of the only educational opportunities for girls many parents kept them at home. Girls and boys were also seated separately. During the 1830s the middle class values began to be incorporated and girls were taught how to cook and clean. Inspectors even suggested that arithmetic might help with shopping bills. Dame schools were also set up. These were run by women for a small fee, the teachers were part-time and mainly female. They were seen as better then the factory run schools because they had a better atmosphere. The quality of the education varied as many taught gender-specific skills such as needlework to girls only. The 1870 education act had many benefits such as schools built in poorer areas and Local Education Authorities replacing school boards in 1902 paving the way for secondary education. However, there were fears over moral decline and this led to attempts to reinforce family values, in 1878 domestic science was made compulsory in Board Schools. These emphases on domesticity meant that many girls did worse in subjects like arithmetic that were given a lower priority. Girls were not discriminated against in education, but the education of boys was seen as more important. During 1833 the government gave away money to existing schools to help them educate the children. Working class men were given the vote in 1867, this gave hope and a greater prospect to the working classes. Then in 1870 the plan was to, fill in the gaps this was because some people were not being educated. In order to educate them Board schools were set up in areas with low prevision. The need for education was spreading due to the power of the church and social control, if the children are educated at a young age then they will not turn against the government later on in life. Political and economic growths are also reasons for this want of education. By 1880 education was compulsory in Britain for all girls and boys. In 1890 the monitorial system came into play, this was a pupil to teacher system where children with good prospects as teachers would stay on at the school and become monitors, and eventually they would also become teachers themselves. In 1864 Kay-Shuttleworth set up a scheme where grants were given to best equipped elementary schools to train teachers, however, this system was criticized for lack of intellectual rigor and was ended in 1902. In 1842 the first womens college was founded at Whitelands but used trainee students as domestic helps. For the working classes the amount of change was not substantial, although the education act meant that a lot of women were suddenly able to read and write, however it stopped there. The focus at this time was on universal education of all, but this education was gender specific, as the academic education of boys seemed to take priority. This does not mean to say that this did not aid womens emancipation, as the skills acquired would be very useful in the suffragette years to come. This is also an example of continuity, the change for this group was not large as I mentioned above and there was not a great deal to come for the working classes for quite some time. Education of the middle and upper classes consisted of most girls being taught at home by parents or a home tutor if you could afford one. Thus this education varied and was usually directed at the domestic side of life such as child upbringing, cooking and cleaning. The aim of home tutoring was primarily to help women find a husband. The argument used against education at this time was that it was cause an upset in social order with women competing for professional jobs. That the relationship between the sexes would break down and social values lost. This is view is obviously incorrect but the men at the time were afraid of this new kind of educated women. In the mid 19th Century new schools were established, they were run by trustees on a professional basis to educate middle class girls, e. g. The North London Collegiate school founded by Frances Mary Buss. However, girls were still expected to behave in a ladylike manner and only the minority attended with 70 % still at the old private schools. These schools were highly exclusive, with high fees and only the daughters of independent gentlemen and professionals were allowed. For this group of women the change was almost the opposite of the working classes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

John Steinbeck :: essays research papers

â€Å"John Steinbeck†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Steinbeck is one of many American literature writers, but he is one of a kind in his work. Steinbeck went through many troubles to get his work where it is now. What would you do if publishers rejected your whole short story collection? Many people would quit right there, but now john Steinbeck. He moved past that and wrote many successful collections and books. John Steinbeck was born February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California. When he started out, he attended Salinas High School, followed by Stanford University. Throughout his life he moved to New York in New York City. After a short time there he moved back to California after his short story collection was rejected by the publisher in New York. He then received a job at a remote Lake Tahoe resort. In 1930, he married the first of his three wives, Carol Henning, and moved to Pacific Grove, California. In 1943, married Gwen Longer and had two kids. In 1929, he met Ed Ricketts, who would turn out to be his best friends. Ed died in 1948, which left Steinbeck very upset and lost. Steinbeck died on December 20, 1968 in New York City. Of his accomplishments, he received a Book of the Month selection for Of Mice and Men. He also received a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968. Some of his work is now in San Jose State University.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first story that I read was Steinbeck’s â€Å"The Turtle.† In this story, a turtle starts off trying to make his way up onto a highway, in doing this he realizes he is not big enough to climb up onto it. He eventually uses all the strength in him and makes it up onto it. Once on there a big truck comes and runs the turtle off the highway. This forces the turtle to start the whole process once again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next story is â€Å"The Flood.† In this story, it starts off in a nice little town where not much happens. After awhile, a storm starts in and begins to take out this town. The town eventually gets flooded badly, leaving many dead and injured. Once the storm ends, the once nice town is left in a wreck.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final story would be Steinbecks â€Å" The Pearl of La Paz.† In this story, a man comes into the worn of La Paz with a so called magic pearl that would let him do anything that he wanted. John Steinbeck :: essays research papers â€Å"John Steinbeck†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Steinbeck is one of many American literature writers, but he is one of a kind in his work. Steinbeck went through many troubles to get his work where it is now. What would you do if publishers rejected your whole short story collection? Many people would quit right there, but now john Steinbeck. He moved past that and wrote many successful collections and books. John Steinbeck was born February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California. When he started out, he attended Salinas High School, followed by Stanford University. Throughout his life he moved to New York in New York City. After a short time there he moved back to California after his short story collection was rejected by the publisher in New York. He then received a job at a remote Lake Tahoe resort. In 1930, he married the first of his three wives, Carol Henning, and moved to Pacific Grove, California. In 1943, married Gwen Longer and had two kids. In 1929, he met Ed Ricketts, who would turn out to be his best friends. Ed died in 1948, which left Steinbeck very upset and lost. Steinbeck died on December 20, 1968 in New York City. Of his accomplishments, he received a Book of the Month selection for Of Mice and Men. He also received a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968. Some of his work is now in San Jose State University.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first story that I read was Steinbeck’s â€Å"The Turtle.† In this story, a turtle starts off trying to make his way up onto a highway, in doing this he realizes he is not big enough to climb up onto it. He eventually uses all the strength in him and makes it up onto it. Once on there a big truck comes and runs the turtle off the highway. This forces the turtle to start the whole process once again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next story is â€Å"The Flood.† In this story, it starts off in a nice little town where not much happens. After awhile, a storm starts in and begins to take out this town. The town eventually gets flooded badly, leaving many dead and injured. Once the storm ends, the once nice town is left in a wreck.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final story would be Steinbecks â€Å" The Pearl of La Paz.† In this story, a man comes into the worn of La Paz with a so called magic pearl that would let him do anything that he wanted.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Personal Idiolect Essay

Whilst completing this project on spoken language, I discovered aspects of my own personal speech (also known as idiolect) and the variation between people’s language due to their culture and environment. Living in Luton for sixteen years I have had many experiences which shapes my idiolect to what it is today. Three main factors which have influenced me the most are my family, my friends and the media such as internet, music and TV. I was born and raised in Luton, England. Both my parents were born in England and both come from irish backgrounds, however have no trace of an irish dialect. In my home, we all have the Lutonian accent except from my mum who comes across as posh due to her job as a teacher. The typical Lutonian accent is the missing pronunciation of the letter ‘T’, for example. A good example of this is the pronunciation of the word â€Å"Luton†: to most natives, it is said like â€Å"Lu’n†, or for the word â€Å"water†, w e would pronouce it as â€Å"war’a†. During primary school, I was known as a difident girl, when communicating with people I would get really nervous, i feared silence and would get some type of speakers anxiety. This made me use fillers such as ‘erm’ and ‘like’ and hesistaions. I would use these fillers to give myself a short period of time to consider on what I’m going to say. Another reason for why I used fillers was to make the person I was having a conversation with take over and finish my sentence, as I am more of a listener than a talker. As I have gotten older, I have gained more confidence. I still use fillers (as you can see in my transcript) but I use them for holding the floor, I do not want to give 5+up my turn in speaking and instead want a little extra time to think about what I’m going to say next. I would use a â€Å"filler† to signal this. I was accused of having a posh accent during primary school due to the fact i rarely use the slang that my peers used. Words such as ‘sick’ meaning good or ‘peng’ meaning nice/beautiful were not the language i would use, due to the fact that my mum has a teaching role as an english teacher, so she has higher expectations of me and vocabulary. My mum consistently corrects my speech for instance, i usually say ‘teached’ instead of ‘taught’ which my mum would immediatly stop me in a conversation to correct me, she even corrects my punctuation or spelling mistakes in text messages. This is why in my transcript you can see I use more fillers and hesitations as I am making sure I am understandable even though I am not using developed sentences. I used the word ‘innit’at the end of my sentence when speaking to Calam, this is another way of saying ‘isn’t it’ or ‘do you agree’. I would use this word to look for reassurance that my audience (Calam) is engaged into the conversation. It is a hidden rhetorical question, which a lot of the younger generation use. In the conversation with my dad, I changed the word ‘Innit’ to say ‘Ya know what I mean’. This is because I know most adults consider slang as bad-mannered and disrespectful. Another reason is because I wouldn’t want my dad or any adult to feel uncomfortable and confused when talking to me if I spoke in the way I do with my friends. I speak to adults politer than how i would speak to my friends as society makes young people feel inferior whereas adults are seen as the unspoken authority figure. Contraction is another element I use, which is a shortenered form of group of words. An example of this is highlighted in the conversation with my brother when I say words such as ‘gonna’. This is a shorterned way of saying ‘going to’, that can also be classified as slang. This adds to the informality of the text. On the other hand, the choice of vocabulary I used with my mum was simple and more understandable than what I used with Calam. This is due to the age and generation difference.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My childhood memory that still occurs today Essay

I don’t know why I’m surprised about this as it’s happened before and still is today. Looking back at it now has made me a lot more confident and I feel a lot stronger than I was before. This all happened 10 years back from now how I had an operation on my eyes that didn’t go to plan and left me with bad results to my eyes as one was squint and the other was just normal. Knowing I had to go to school with these effects was terrifying, nerve-racking, scary, and I had this gut feeling that I wasn’t going to be good enough for anyone. Every day that went by was emotional and upsetting to not only me but to my mum too as she knew what it felt like to be bullied. Each day I came home from school with tears streaming down my face, she knew something was wrong and as I was so young she had no idea what to do but to comfort me and sometimes it wasn’t always like that†¦ she would sometimes and sit there and cry because she wanted to help and also the fact she hated seeing her children cry/ be upset. From day one I was given a nickname which was named 4- eyed Katherine and now growing up it has came to me that my new nickname is cock-eyed Katherine. As it’s been so long ago that this all started I can actually still remember an incident that happened due to the disaffect in my eyes. The school bell rang for home time, I was so happy to be going home. I remember running to the door with my big heavy schoolbag that was twice the size of me. I waved all the teachers goodbye and opened the door to see a few guys I knew that were in my class standing just outside to the left of the school door†¦I hated each and every one of them that were there. One of the boys within the group said hello so I just ignored him and walked on by then I heard someone shout from the group â€Å"oi, Katherine come here†, I didn’t want to go as I just wanted to get home so I ignored them again was halfway down the playground. After having been ignored twice they decided to come over to me, they all circled around me. Next thing I knew I was thrown to the ground; they all spat on me and called me 4-eyes. I seen that they had on roller-blades, they started kicking me with them†¦it hurt me like mad. By this time I was crying and screaming for help. I could hear someone from the far end of the playground shouting â€Å"leave her aloneâ € , the boys all ran off and I was left in pain, I couldn’t feel parts of my body. One of the teachers came over and helped me up also took me back to the school to get me cleaned up. My mum was called  and was told about what had happened to me .thinking about it gives me butterflies in my tummy. Reflecting back 10 years from now is a huge difference but more to the fact that all the bullying hasn’t stopped as it still proceeds today, just like it has for the past 10 years. As I grew up I learnt that not everyone was perfect; everyone has their own flaws and opinions. Looking back from 10 years to now has mostly not affected me as much as it did before but in reality it’s hard to hold back feelings. As it still happens today I don’t really bother about it as basically I’m used to it but sometimes it can go abit too far and it will eventually get to me. There are times that someone has said something either about me or to me and I just simply walk away as people have their own opinions. I don’t understand why they bully me because if it had happened to them they wouldn’t like it. I still have the nickname of cock-eyed Katherine today, I had to wear glasses ever since I had the operation so it would help my eyes get better but every tim e I took them off everyone just stared at me and laughed and I knew from then that I was going to get bullied and be an easy target. Ever since I had theses glasses everyone kept asking me to take them off just so they could see my eyes and laugh at me. My friends stick by me today and they have for a long time, they have seen me at my worst when all this gets to me and they understand how I’m feeling as they also have been through that stage but not as long as I have though. There is an incident that happened in 1st year where it was in P.E and we were doing swimming, as I can’t really see without my glasses I had to wear them. I jumped into the water and when I rose to the top I noticed I wasn’t wearing my glasses, they must have fallen off and sunk to the bottom of the pool. I turned around to find everyone in my class staring at me and laughing. One pupil had to swim to the bottom and collect them and from that day in high school I was bullied as everyone knew the me under the glasses. I mean there are also times when I am walking in the corridor of school and people just walk by me and say â€Å"look there’s cock-eyed Katherine†, I just don’t listen and just keep on walking. In my own opinion I feel like everyone should be treated equally and fairly, we all came in this world the same way so we should all go out that way too. I would like for all the bullying to stop as I’m fed up of it and it just isnâ€℠¢t fair on me that I’m being picked on when they wouldn’t like it if I were doing it to them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

20 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Top Issues on the Women#8217;s Role in Vietnamese Society

20 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Top Issues on the Women#8217;s Role in Vietnamese Society >Writing a compare and contrast essay may be a fairly complicated task in case you aren’t exactly too familiar with general area of expertise you have to deal with. After all, in order to write a decent essay of this type you have to pick out a specific issue to cover, and it’s a hard thing to do if you have only a vague idea of the subject matter. Women’s role in Vietnamese society is one of such issues; if you have to write an essay about it, you can benefit from using one of the topics from the list we’ve prepared: Vietnamese Women: The Past and the Present Changes in the Vietnamese Family Over the Last Thirty Years Vietnamese Gender Roles Traditionally and in Modern Times The Changes in Gender Pay Gap in Post-Doi Moi Vietnam The Vietnamese Concept of Feminine Ideal and Challenges of Modern Society Gender Relations in Pre-War and Post-War Vietnamese Society Women’s Entrepreneurship Evolution in Vietnam Changing Identity of Woman’s Role in Modern Vietnam Evolution of Women’s Educational Rights in Vietnam Vietnamese Family and Household in Pre- and Post-Revolutionary Vietnam Family and Woman’s Role in Post-Doi Moi Vietnamese Society Shift Towards Gender Equality in Vietnamese Society: 1980s and 2010s View on Single Women in pre-War and post-War Vietnamese Society Educational Gender Gap in post-War Vietnam and Now Women in Vietnamese Government in 1980s and Now Gender Discrimination in Post-War Vietnam and Today Vietnamese Abortion Law in 1960s and Today The Change of Gender Relations In Vietnam: before the Doi Moi and Today Gender Relations in Colonial and Post-Colonial Vietnam Role of the Family in Vietnamese Tradition as Opposed to Today As you see, these topics are pretty good because they avoid generalization and focus on particular matters in the vast issue of women’s rights and social standing in Vietnamese society. For your reference, here’s a sample essay on one of these. Vietnamese Women: The Past and the Present Vietnam has always been and still is a peculiar culture in what concerns gender relations, jumping back and forth from matriarchal tendencies in the ancient times, to male dominance traditional for societies influenced by Confucianism, to proclamation of gender equality by the Communist party in 1930s, to gradual return to traditionalism after the revolution and war. It can be said that Vietnam is desperately trying to find its place and identity in today’s world, trying at the same time to be modern and conservative, socialistic and free market, gender-equal and supportive of traditional values. In this light it is interesting to take a look at how the position of women changed today when compared with what it was prior to Doi Moi. Communist party of Vietnam has been a strong supporter of the idea of gender equality, proclaiming it one of their main goals in the very first party document as early as 1930s. The Women’s Union was a relatively powerful organization enjoying a governmental guarantee that it would be consulted about any law that concerned women’s health and well-being. After the formation of Democratic Republic of Vietnam in 1949, a number of laws aimed at modernizing the gender and social relationships were accepted, such as paid maternity leave, equal pay for equal work and so on. Efforts were taken to eliminate the old practices of forced marriage, child marriage and concubinage, as well as to provide equal access to education irrespectively of gender. However, in post-war conditions these initiatives rather quickly lost their momentum. After men began to return from war to their civil positions, the need in women working in industrial and agricultural sectors rapidly decreased, which was further aggravated by difficult economic situation and scarcity of resources. As a result, women to a large extent drifted back to their traditional roles. Compared to pre-Doi Moi era, modern Vietnamese women enjoy a far greater degree of freedom and societal acceptance. There is a number of extremely wealthy women in business, they have a fair share of representation in government and a much better access to higher education that several decades ago. However, Vietnamese society remains a highly traditionalistic one. An educated woman earning her livelihood and rising up the career ladder is often viewed in negative light by their husbands, male relatives, more conservative women and society in general. A turn to support for traditional values taken by the Communist party in 1990s and early 2000s also supports this sentiment – rapid modernization and decollectivization were viewed upon as detrimental to the traditional Vietnamese extended family. All in all, despite a considerable move forward over the last several decades, Vietnam still has a long way to go in terms of gender equality. Women still occupy mostly low-paying positions in labor force, highly educated and high-earning women are often viewed with disapproval by society, and there is ample evidence of young girls being sold into forced marriages abroad. In other words, Vietnam still remains a country of contrasts, desperately looking for its identity in modern world. References: Andaya, Barbara Watson. The Flaming Womb: Repositioning Women in Early Modern Southeast Asia. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2006. Print Cohn, Julie. â€Å"A Tiny Village Where Women Chose to Be Single Mothers.† New York Times Feb. 14 2013 Haworth, Abigail. â€Å"From War Babies to Billionaires: Vietnam’s Wealthiest Women.† The Guardian Mar. 24 2013 Quasem, Himaya. â€Å"Tackling Gender Inequality in Vietnam.† The Guardian Nov. 22 2010 â€Å"Brides for Sale: Trafficked Vietnamese Girls Sold into Marriage in China.† The Guardian Jun. 29 2014 Schloppa, R. Keith. East Asia: Identities and Change in the Modern World (1700 to Present). Pearson, 2007. Print Werner, Jayne Susan, and Khuat Thu Hong. Too Late to Marry: Failure, Fate or Fortune? Female Singlehood in Rural North Viet Nam. Gender, Household, State: Ä‘á » ÃŒâ€ši Má »â€ºi in Viá »â€¡t Nam. Ed. Jayne Susan Werner and Danià ¨le Bà ©langer. Cornell University, 2002. Print

Monday, October 21, 2019

Energy Essays

Energy Essays Energy Essay Energy Essay Energy is the ability to do work. It can be exerted on a system to produce a variety of results, as well as stored within a system through chemical bonds. Energy can be used or stored but never created or destroyed. Though energy cant be created or destroyed, it can be interchanged from one form to another as well as dissipate into to the atmosphere as heat (thermal energy). Energy comes in variety of forms such as electromagnetic, potential, thermal, kinetic, and can be used and converted from one for to another to produce a desired effect. Stored energy can be released through chemical reactions such as combustion. Combustion is an exothermic (releases heat or thermal energy as a result of a reaction) reaction that by nature release heat or thermal energy. The fuel reacts with oxygen to produce a new element and release the chemical energy stored in the fuel. The energy released can be harnessed and used to power machines and other commercial purposes. The thermal energy released by combustion behaves according to the four laws of thermodynamics. The laws of thermodynamics restate the law of conservation of energy (energy can neither be created or destroyed just chained from on form to another) as well as define the boundaries of nature, describing that perpetual motion and absolute zero kelvin cannot be reached. The thermal energy also can be defined by the specific heat of the surroundings. The specific heat of a substance is its amount of energy that 1gram of a substance needs to be raised by 1 degree Celsius. This could be used to measure the energy output of a substance undergoing combustion as well as the original amount of energy stored within the system. In our experiment we used a rudimentary calorimeter system to measure the amount of Joules and Calories stored within a single Pringle. Materials and Methods Materials: Pringle chips, water, heat souse Methods: The Pringle chip was placed in a crucible to be prepared for combustion. 25 grams of water was placed above the crucible with the temperature marked off. The chip was set on fire and was allowed to heat the water. The end temperature was measured and the amount of energy was calculated. The test was repeated three times and the different values were recorded. Results Formula q = C x mass of H2O x ?T where q is a value in joules or calories (units of energy) and C is the heat capacity Test 1 25g H2O heated from the original temp. of 19.5? °C by the chip resulted in 35? °C 1 x 15.5 ?T x 25g = 387.5 calories 4.184 x 15.5 ?T x 25g = 1621.3 J Test 2 25g H2O heated from the original temp. of 23? °C by the chip resulted in 39? °C 1 x 16 ?T x 25g = 400 calories 4.184 x 16 ?T x 25g = 1673.3 J Test 2 25g H2O heated from the original temp. of 22? °C by the chip resulted in 37? °C 1 x 15?T x 25g = 375 calories 4.184 x 15?T x 25g = 1569 J Test average 387.5 calories 1621.2 J The results showed that on average there are about 387.5 calories per chip (not to be confused with Kilo Calories which are used in commercial production) that were able to be absorbed by the rudimentary calorimeter. Discussion By the nature of the experimental design the results only provided a rudimentary demonstration of energy release through combustion and not an accurate measure of the calories nor the joules within each chip. Through the energy was absorbed by the water the mass of the energy is lost to the atmosphere. The huge losses in energy are explainable by the lack of insulation around the burning chip and the fact that most of the energy just went around the container of the water without transferring any to the water. A more accurate measurement would have been achieved if a bomb calorimeter was used. (figure to the right) The bomb calorimeter would have incinerated the chip and accurately display the amount of calories contained within the chip. The insulation provided by the calorimeter would have been sufficient to capture all of the energy released by combustion. The results show that per every chip there was roughly a 387.5 calorie count. This means that per every chip burned the amount of energy released heated up 25 grams of water by roughly 15.3? °C. This compared to the information on the box the 7500 calories actual which resulted in a pitiful percent error. 94.8% of the energy that the chip was supposed to give off was lost to the atmosphere, proving the inefficiently of the rudimentary experimental design. Overall the experiment provided a theoretical visual of the energy flow between substances and a way to measure the amount of energy contained within a system. This proses is applied to food production to give the consumer accurate information about the food digested. The human stomach however is much more efficient then a bomb calorimeter and uses/stores 100% of the energy consumed. LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS. Estrella Mountain Commuity College. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. . Specific Heat. Test Page for Apache Installation. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. . What Is Energy Massachusetts Technology Collaborative. Web. 16 Mar. 2010. . What Is Potential Energy. TJHSST Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. Web. 16 Mar. 2010.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Build Writing Skills in Students With Dyslexia

How to Build Writing Skills in Students With Dyslexia When you think of the word dyslexia reading problems immediately come to mind but many students with dyslexia struggle with writing as well. Dysgraphia, or written expression disorder, impacts handwriting, the spacing of letters and sentences, omitting letters in words, the lack of punctuation and grammar when writing and difficulty organizing thoughts on paper. The following resources should help you better understand dysgraphia and work with students to improve writing skills. Understanding Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Dyslexia and dysgraphia are both neurological based learning disabilities but both have specific symptoms. Its important to learn the symptoms, types of dysgraphia, and treatment options. Dyslexia impacts writing skills in many ways. Students with dyslexia show a significant difference between what they can tell you verbally and what they are able to convey on paper. They may have trouble with spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sequencing. Some may have dysgraphia as well as dyslexia. Knowing how this learning disability affects writing can help you develop specific strategies for working to improve writing skills. Teaching Students With Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Once understood, you can make some accommodations in the classroom to help improve writing and learning in students with written expression disorder. For example, experimenting with different kinds of pens can help you find what is most comfortable for your student, and improve legibility. Written assignments completed by students with dyslexia are often filled with spelling and grammar errors, and the handwriting is sometimes illegible, causing a teacher to think the student is lazy or unmotivated. A plan of action provides a step-by-step approach for organizing thoughts and information to help make the writing process easier. when teaching writing skills to students with dyslexia. Ideas for Lesson Plans Arm yourself with specific strategies to incorporate into your daily teaching that will help you work with students with dyslexia and dysgraphia improve their writing skills. One suggestion is to put away the red pen when grading papers and use a more neutral color to avoid the student becoming discouraged when seeing all the red marks when you return an assignment. Building Sequencing Skills: From the time we are very young, we learn to complete tasks in a specific way, such as tying shoes or using long division. If we do the task out of order, the end result is often wrong or doesnt make any sense. Sequencing skills are used in writing as well, making our written information make sense to the reader. This is often an area of weakness for children with dyslexia. Students with dyslexia can frequently see the big picture but have trouble understanding the steps it takes to get there. Plan a lesson requiring students to take parts of an event or story and put them in the correct, chronological order.Journal Writing: Helps students in middle school practice writing skills by keeping a daily journal. Writing prompts are given each morning or as a homework assignment and students write a few paragraphs. Varying the writing prompts helps students practice different types of writing, for example, one prompt might require descriptive writing and one mig ht require persuasive writing. Once a week or every other week, students choose a journal entry to edit and revise. Create a Classroom Book: This lesson can be used from 1st through 8th grade and gives you the opportunity to teach social lessons as well as writing lessons. As you complete classroom books, put them in your classroom library for students to read again and again, helping them learn about and become more tolerant of one anothers differences.Writing Newspaper Articles: This project not only works on informative writing skills, but it fosters cooperation by teaching students to work together to create a classroom newspaper.Outline Writing Prompt: Teachers often give students writing prompts to help generate writing ideas, however, students with dyslexia may need additional assistance in organizing information. Provide a step-by-step guide that goes through the process of putting together an outline that organizes information.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Meet the BRICs Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Meet the BRICs - Case Study Example Measuring success in these countries is a matter of some debate. There are people out there who believe that the best predictors and methods of measuring quality of life and prosperity are environmental indicators. Others think power purchase parity is the most useful. While this latter measure does adjust relative prices in different economies, it is rather specific. As are environmental indicators. The BRICs are a diverse group of countries. The best way of measuring their success is also the bluntest: GNI per capita. This is a blunt tool and it is the most general. For our purposes, there it is most useful as it takes into account all sectors of the economy and is not tripped up on specific aspects such as environmental factors. The human development index can provide information about how people are living, but if we want to know raw data on growth for comparative purposes—a must in economics—the GNI per capita will tell us this. It is the most useful index to gener ally compare these

Friday, October 18, 2019

Literature & research review of workforce diversity in healthcare Essay

Literature & research review of workforce diversity in healthcare - Essay Example Properly diverse health care personnel help in expanding health care access for most of the underserved; and also adequately foster research in main neglected areas that are linked to the societal needs. A diversified, skilful, and enriched team of managers or policymakers are vital meeting the recurrent needs of an assorted populace. This top level management is highly relevant with consideration of the current modern world. Typically, there is highly empirical conception which denotes that the long-standing resolutions to achieving sufficient diversity in the health professions normally depend upon primary reforms. Healthcare sector is one the vital sectors in every country. Hence, proper constant improvements to the healthcare system are inevitable. The changes to the healthcare system must commence from the country’s precollege learning system to the practicing field. To enhance the occurrence of the reforms, there is an application of the affirmative action. That is; oriented tools in entire health professions schools. The affirmative actions are significant to achieving varied health care personnel that is important to the earlier or original setting. The paper looks deep into the theoretical and entailed operational process. The paper highlights on extensive literature review which divides into two sections of theoretical and empirical evaluation. It lastly provides vivid recommendation on relevant best practices that should be undertaken (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). The theoretical and operational perspectives outlines that Workforce diversity in healthcare emanates from the essence that United States is a country with a wealthy assortment of races and entailed ethnicities. The country is also facing influx people from other continents with varying background. Hence, the diversification of the health care remains the greatest challenge for the country. In summary, US

Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Homework - Essay Example The second video explains the bot attacks; the first potential attack is Distributed Denial of Services (DDOS) can be activated by sending a huge amount of traffic b from many bots herders on the victim’s computer so that the customers cannot access the online server. The video explains the second attack named Command Line Control through an Rlogin server in easy to understand method. Further, the video talks about the third bot attack known as Spying on Zombies. The video makes you understand regarding spying the victim’s computer through a key-logger, packet sniff, capturing screenshots etc. The third part of the video emphasis on defenses your system from the potential threat of botnet by keeping bots out, mute bots and detecting the bots activities. The video explains to install firebox, upgrading patch promptly, using antivirus with auto-update, using firebox proxies and GAV, and training of the professionals and users for keeping bots out of your computer system. Organizations can mute and detect activities of bots as well by configuring the firebox appropriately as explained in the video. The article titled â€Å"Microsoft disrupts Nitol botnet spreading on counterfeit Windows PCs† written by Lee Mathews and published on 13th September, 2012. The article explains that the digital crime unit of the Microsoft identified enormous botnet and they have taken control of the domains as per instructions of the court order. The report from the Microsoft’s digital crime unit notifies a malicious attack of Nitol, the botnet. It classifies that the domain Nitol, along with over 70,000 subdomains have been found to be affected by 500 different malware. Following the court orders, Peng Yong, a Chinese businessman surrendered, giving not only the DNS control of Nitol but also the effecting domains to Microsoft, allowing them to filter the incoming and outgoing traffic for the security of users from the suspected attack by Nitol, and other malware from and other sub-domains. At this time, the action taken by Microsoft was not as vigorous as against Waledac, Kalihos or Rustock. Because the investigation teams vigilant the Microsoft while investigating the problems of illegal Windows Installation in China, that more than 20% of the systems have pre-installed unnecessary software including, but not limited to HP or Toshiba-style software bloat. It was the thing as Microsoft suspected from Nitol botnet, developed catastrophic malware that could not only able producing spam and redirect DNS requests but also proliferate through flash drives. The student has summarized the article titled â€Å"Botnet Masters Hide Command and Control Server inside the Tor Network†, by Lucian Constantin. The student has spectacularly discussed the article regarding research of Germans as they found a botnet t hat is hidden in the Tor secrecy network. The botnet can operate on an Internet Relay chat server and it has advantages as well as disadvantages. According to them, it is hard to find its specific location so that is very difficult to locate and shut down. A signal is sent to another computer from the user’s computer, when one uses Tor for internet access.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Should companies routinely Google applicants or look at their Facebook Essay

Should companies routinely Google applicants or look at their Facebook pages as part of a reference check before hiring - Essay Example III. Using Google Search and Facebook, employees are able to assess applicant’s talents. IV. Counter Arguments and Responses a. Opponents argue that the practice leads to invasion of privacy. Refutation: Only employees with questionable behaviors would feel this. b. Opponents claim that the practice is that it drives away talented applicants Refutation: It appropriate when done as the last step in the assessment. V. Conclusion Use of Google and Facebook to assess applicants ensures employers hire suitable employees. Companies Should Google Applicants and Look at Their Facebook Pages as Part of a Reference Check Before Hiring Name Course Tutor’s Name Date Companies Should Google Applicants and Look at Their Facebook Pages as Part of a Reference Check Before Hiring Introduction Although most people consider social networks to be sites for their personal life, the sites are increasingly becoming important in increasing or decreasing the chances of acquiring a job. Most peo ple use social networks in informal settings and tend to share information that could be detrimental to their career life. This is because some employers are increasingly using search engines such as Google and social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to screen applicants. The kind of information that people share on the social networks depicts the kind of people they are. It is thus important that employers check on such information to discern if the prospective employees have underlying interest in the field, they have applied the job. Some employees also use social networks when they have too many applicants and want to narrow down the list. By using social networks, they are able to find reason not to hire some candidates. Additionally, the kind of information people post on social network sites can demonstrate their capability to deal with other people. This essay argues that companies should Google applicants and look at their Facebook pages as part of a reference check before hiring. The employers, particularly the human resource managers spend plenty of time dealing with employee problems. By conducting checks on the prospective employees, the employer can be able to discern the probability of an interviewee being problematic after employment. Using Google, employers are able to find out information regarding previous employment. This helps determine if the candidates present themselves professionally. Additionally this can help the employer understand the kind of a person the applicant is and their capability of coping with the company’s culture. By doing background checks using the social networks and Goggle, employees are able to detect and eliminate candidates with tainted records or a vague past. Some managers argue that they have been able to find reasons not to hire applicants by using social networks. In most cases, the managers felt that the applicant postings such as those against former employer were red flags. A dditionally, some people lie about their qualification on Facebook, which depicts their deceitfulness. This saves the company the large amount of time spent dealing with problems that such employees bring into the company (DiSilvestro, 2012). Another reason why employees should carry out background checks is to determine the capability of the candidates to

Honeywell Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Honeywell Company - Case Study Example Honey well company divided payout has increased over the years, this increase can be associated with the increased efforts to increase labor productivity through outsourcing, the following chart shows dividends paid out by the company over the years: data was retrieved from yahoo finance From the above chart it is evident that the divided payout level were low for the period 1976 to 1992 with only slight increases, for the period 1992 to 2000 the divided payout amount increased at an increasing rate and for the period 2000 to 2004 dividends remained constant and for the period 2004 to 2008 the divided payout amount increased at an increasing rate, this shows that there has been an increase in the profitability of the company and this has been due to increased efforts top outsource cheap labor in other parts of the world. From the above chart it is evident that productivity has increased over the years, labor productivity increased gradually for the period 1987 to 1993 but declined in the period 1993 to 1997. For the period 1997 to 2000 labor productivity increased and this increase in labor productivity can also be associated with outsourcing, this is because aerospace manufacturing companies have increased productivity of labor through outsourcing. Major findings: From the above trends it is evident that the profitability of the Honeywell company has increased over the years, this increase can be attributed to reduced production costs that are realized through outsourcing, it is also evident that labor productivity in the aerospace industry has also gradually increased over the years, their productivity level indicates the labor costs incurred by companies with relation to production, it is therefore evident that through outsourcing companies are able to increase their profitability. Other sources of data: Data on labor productivity and divided yield could also be collected in other ways, the above are secondary sources of data and other primary sources could be used in the collection of data, data can be collected through interview and questionnaires, in order to collect this data a research questionnaire should be prepared or an interview conducted with the company representative where data could be collected and recorded. Primary sources are that best sources of data although they are time consuming and costly compared to secondary sources. Regression analysis: Data variables will include labor productivity and dividends paid out each year for the company, the following table shows the data used: Year labor productivity Honeywell company dividends 1988 87.409 0.51875 1989 87.646 0.45 1990 89.095 0.45 1991 94.098 0.4 1992 96.494 0.25 1993 101.304 0.29 1994 95.564 0.3245 1995 95.652 0.39 1996 99.413 0.45 1997 100 0.52 1998 119.149 0.6 1999 120.8 0.68 2000 103.394 0.752 2001 115.688 0.752 2002 118.649 0.752 2003 119.019 0.752 2004 113.245 0.752 2005 124.959 0.824 2006 117.935 0.908 This section

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Should companies routinely Google applicants or look at their Facebook Essay

Should companies routinely Google applicants or look at their Facebook pages as part of a reference check before hiring - Essay Example III. Using Google Search and Facebook, employees are able to assess applicant’s talents. IV. Counter Arguments and Responses a. Opponents argue that the practice leads to invasion of privacy. Refutation: Only employees with questionable behaviors would feel this. b. Opponents claim that the practice is that it drives away talented applicants Refutation: It appropriate when done as the last step in the assessment. V. Conclusion Use of Google and Facebook to assess applicants ensures employers hire suitable employees. Companies Should Google Applicants and Look at Their Facebook Pages as Part of a Reference Check Before Hiring Name Course Tutor’s Name Date Companies Should Google Applicants and Look at Their Facebook Pages as Part of a Reference Check Before Hiring Introduction Although most people consider social networks to be sites for their personal life, the sites are increasingly becoming important in increasing or decreasing the chances of acquiring a job. Most peo ple use social networks in informal settings and tend to share information that could be detrimental to their career life. This is because some employers are increasingly using search engines such as Google and social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to screen applicants. The kind of information that people share on the social networks depicts the kind of people they are. It is thus important that employers check on such information to discern if the prospective employees have underlying interest in the field, they have applied the job. Some employees also use social networks when they have too many applicants and want to narrow down the list. By using social networks, they are able to find reason not to hire some candidates. Additionally, the kind of information people post on social network sites can demonstrate their capability to deal with other people. This essay argues that companies should Google applicants and look at their Facebook pages as part of a reference check before hiring. The employers, particularly the human resource managers spend plenty of time dealing with employee problems. By conducting checks on the prospective employees, the employer can be able to discern the probability of an interviewee being problematic after employment. Using Google, employers are able to find out information regarding previous employment. This helps determine if the candidates present themselves professionally. Additionally this can help the employer understand the kind of a person the applicant is and their capability of coping with the company’s culture. By doing background checks using the social networks and Goggle, employees are able to detect and eliminate candidates with tainted records or a vague past. Some managers argue that they have been able to find reasons not to hire applicants by using social networks. In most cases, the managers felt that the applicant postings such as those against former employer were red flags. A dditionally, some people lie about their qualification on Facebook, which depicts their deceitfulness. This saves the company the large amount of time spent dealing with problems that such employees bring into the company (DiSilvestro, 2012). Another reason why employees should carry out background checks is to determine the capability of the candidates to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mentorship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mentorship - Assignment Example es who have supportive working relationships benefit by accelerated leadership development, higher earnings, and increased job satisfaction (Sosik and Lee, 2002 Mentoring is a professional relationship with a focus on personal and professional development. It may occur through various communication venues including, but not limited to face-to-face interactions, phone, or email. The duration and intensity of the relationship may vary depending on the dynamic of the match and the needs of the individuals involved. (American Physiological Society, 2008). There are range of factors from a clinical environment which may impact upon the learning of individuals and groups in that environment. These factors can be related to the protà ©gà ©, mentor or the other factors of the environment (Chan, 2004). The factors related to protà ©gà © are educational background, knowledge and skills, level of commitment to learn and develop his or her skills and knowledge, dedication, communication with mentor and others. In the same way, mentor needs to have adequate knowledge, skills and experience to share with the protà ©gà © and help them in their development (Hand, 2006). Mentors are senior persons with experiences and usually have busy schedules. The time management with the students are the most challenging aspects of mentoring process (Papp et al, 2003). In many cases, mentoring is considered as important process to help new professionals to develop their skills and knowledge. The perception and attitude of mentor and protà ©gà © influe nces their developmental relationships. For me as a mentor, the most challenging factors of the clinical learning environment for mentoring process as identified are lack of time with mentor, communication gaps between mentor and protà ©gà © and very underdeveloped skills of protà ©gà ©s. Usually in the oncology department, the professionals are loaded with work and new challenges with each patient. Patients are the priority and this makes it very

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sociological and Psychological Theories of Crime

Sociological and Psychological Theories of Crime In this task I am going to be looking at different theories which involve criminology, once I have completed that I am going to research one sociological and one psychological theory. At the same time I am going to look at the normal factors that might influence crime. I am also going to be looking at what criminology is and lots of different aspects of crime. Contents (Jump to): Biological Theories  of Crime Nature vs nurture Sociological Theories of Crime Functionalism Merton’s strain theory Marxism Labelling Theory Chicago School Psychological Theories of Crime Psychoanalytical theory Social learning theory Introduction What is criminology? Criminology is a subject which has a lot of different aspects to it. There are a lot of different areas why people turn to committing crime. The reasons are: Sociology Psychology Biology Geography Law Anthropology What is crime? My definition of crime would be that it is something that someone has done wrong, which is breaking the law. So should be punished for it. Another definition for crime would be crime is the breach of a rule or law for which some governing authority or force may ultimately prescribe a punishment. Right or wrong? We also had a class discussion about what is crime and what is right and wrong? The comments that came up are: An act that is punishable by law. Something that someone has done which is illegal. Behaviour which is contrary to the laws of society. I think that a right reason for breaking the law if there was one would be if someone was so poor and they didn’t have any money to get any food and they stole some food to keep them from starving to death. That isn’t as bad as some crimes and they are only committing the crime so they can stay alive. A wrong reason for committing a crime would be if someone murdered someone else. That is a wrong crime because there will never be a good enough reason for killing someone. Time and place Laws are brought in everyday and different parts of the country and also world. Some examples of different times and place laws have come in are, in 1908 incest was not regarded as a criminal offence in the UK. Everyone knew that it was wrong and that you shouldn’t do it but it wasn’t until 1908 that a law was brought in to stop people who do commit the crime. Another example of this was that it wasn’t illegal to rape within in marriage and that only changed in 1991, when it became illegal. An example of places when it comes to laws is that some laws are different in some country than others. An example of this would be, in the Netherlands they are legally allowed to have sex at the age of 12, but in England they are only legally allowed to have sex when they are 16. In a class discussion we had a look at what might be legal in five years and what is legal now but wouldn’t be legal in five years. A few examples of thing that might not be legal in five years are: Drinking age might have gone up to age of 21. Driving age might go up so there are will be fewer accidents involving young drivers. Children allowed in pubs. Having a drinking whilst eating a meal with parents. We also looked at laws that are illegal at the moment but they might be legal in five years. Examples of this would be: Smoking cannabis might be made legal for everyone not just people who need them for the medical reasons. They might have special licenses that mean people are allowed to smoke in pubs which have the license. Explanation of why do people commit crime? There are many reasons why people commit crime but they have been defined it into three categories. The three groups that they have been put into are biological or genetic, sociological and psychological. Biological or genetic: this is theory that people who have committed have inherited it from their parents. So they are basically born as a criminal. Sociological: this theory is that people will commit crime on depending on who they socialise with. They might do it because they are being pressured by the people they socialise with. Psychological: this is theory s that people will commit crimes all depending on what their personality is like. If there have a good personality they are less likely to commit crime. Biological Theories for Crime Underlying which is also known as distal. Something that effect someone their whole life and it is being held deep down might cause them to commit crime. This might be how they were brought up when they were younger. Immediate this is also known as proximal. Is where the surrounding of a person include the people they will be hanging around with, might effect if someone commits crime or not. Factors that might affect people to commit crime are: Cultural factors (learned social behaviour). This could be their family or even where they come from. It could relate their religion and what they are told they should and should not do. Power of peer group. This could be friends because they might feel pressured to commit crime because all of their mates are. They might want to fit in a group and to be in that group they may have to do something to show they are good enough. Media- the media can affect people in a lot of different ways. It can make people happy, sad or even angry. They have affect on people to do things might not normally do. Statistics Statistic is something where they will collect data and make averages and probabilities out of the results. One of many statistics is that men are twice more likely to commit a crime than women are. Another statistic is that 16 24 have the highest rate for crime in both sexes. BIOLOGY – nature v nurture Nature and nurture will come into to forms when it comes to crime. They have two different views on why people commit crime. The two different views are that people are born a criminal or they are made a criminal once they are born. Nature: This is a theory where they believe that people are born the way they are and they don’t develop into the way they are now. So when crime is involved they have the theory that they will be born as a criminal, and they don’t develop it over time. It will come down to the genetic inheritance, if their parents are criminals they will become a criminal as well because of the genetic inheritance. They will say that genetic determination is inherited which includes the tendency to commit crime. Not many people still believe in this theory it came about in the early stages of the last century, when biologists like Darwin where about. They did studies with twins, which are identical. This means that they are the same in everyway including the same genes. They studied both of the children to see if one of them or both of them become a criminal. They also looked if one did commit a crime the other one is more likely to commit a crime. This is known as concordance. This is more likely to happen with Identical twins than just twins because identical twins have the same genes but twins only share half. A study which supports this theory with evidence is Goldman and Cottesman (1995). They have evidence to support this theory because they showed that if one identical twin does one thing the other one is more likely to do it as well. But they also found that they are in the as environment so they have been brought up the same. Maybe if they were apart it might be different. Nurture This is a theory where they don’t believe it is anything to do with genetic inheritance. They think that everyone is born normal and that lived experiences affect if we will commit crime in are life time or not. Certain area’s that might affect why people will commit crime are: Low family income- they might have any money so they have might have to resort to crime because they will want to buy things that everyone else have, like the latest toys and because they cant afford to pay for them they might steal the instead. Poor child-rearing techniques- if their parents don’t bring their child up right they might know what is wrong and they might think that stealing is acceptable. Large families- that could many reasons like if they had a large family they might not have enough money to provide for them, or they might commit a crime because they don’t get much attention so they do it to get attention, etc. Low educational achievement- that is because they will have no qualifications, so they will not be able to get a job so they won’t have any money to pay for anything which might make them resort to crime. My own view My own view on the biology would be that I agree with the nurture theory because I don’t think that people are born the way they are. I disagree with the nature theory because in some families the parents have never committed a crime and they have a child and that commits crime. It shows that it is nothing to do with being born in a certain way. I think that people commit crime because of people who are around them who can influence them. I think it is all down to influences. Sociological Theories of Crime In this I am going to be looking at different theories. The theories that I am going to be looking at are: Functionalism Marxism Labelling Theory Chicago School Functionalism This is a theory which was developed from Emile Durkheim (1858-1917). Emile Durkheim theory was all based his own theory that people want to be able to live and work, they need to have a strong sense of social order. This means that there has to rules and regulations, and there is always either a right or wrong answer. He thought they needed rules because people will abide by them, he thought that if there wasn’t any rules or anything everything would break down. Crime is universal and normal Durkheim has come to the conclusion that crime is normal because it happens everywhere in every country, all over the globe. He thinks that it is normal because it has always happened and probably will always happen. Crime is relative: This is where the rate of crime is changing all the time. It will change because crime depends on certain factors. Factors that it depends on are things like time, culture, society, and etc. culture might affect the amount of crime because some cultures are more into crime than other cultures. Crime is functional and necessary Durkheim also thinks that crime is necessary in some ways because when people are committing crimes, the government are making new laws to try and punish people when they do commit that crime. This will show criminals that are thinking of committing a crime will not want to because they know what the punishment. It sets boundaries for people and if they commit crimes they will be punished. Functionalism and anomie: This is where there is a major change in society. This will affect people in different ways it all depending on what changes. An example of this is depression, they will lower their sights and expectations but if there is a boom people will react completely different and they will set their sights higher. This will affect functionalism because it will affect the way people live and work. It will either make it better for them or worse. My own view When it comes to functionalism theory I think that some of the aspects of the theory are right but some aren’t. I agree with the fact that we need rules and regulations to live are lives and that if there wasn’t any, everything would break down. I also agree with bringing in laws to stop people from committing offences. I think that if someone has committed a crime that they should be punished for it. So that I agree with basically all of the aspects of the theory. Merton’s strain theory This is another theory that Durkheim came up with. This theory is all to do with where they took the anomie theory further and developed it. This theory is all to do with anomie and how it encourages people to do better. It encourages for people to strive for wealth. The only thing that it won’t be the same from person to person. It all depends on the person. Not everyone will strive to achieve the same thing. Durkheim came up with this theory in 1938. This theory breaks down into five sections. He talks about 5 different ways in which people are able to adapt to the change when the strive comes. Conformity- this is where they accept what they have been given and get on with it. An example of this would be in work, they have been given a task to do and they accept that they have to do it and just get on with it. Innovation- this is the opposite of ritualism. Innovation is where they will accept the cultural goals and they will stick to them but the way in which they achieve it like the traditional way, they will reject it and achieve them in their on way. They might resort to illegitimate ways or illegal ways. Ritualism- this is where they will reject the cultural goals that are there but they will accept and comply with the means of completing something. This would be the traditional ways of achieving things that they have to do. This would be known as bureaucrat. This is where they will do the job to what it is worth they will not put any more effort than what is needed to complete the task. Retreatism- this is the less extreme form of rebellion. They will not accept the social goals, aims and method. They will not comply with them. They will be a drop out of society. Rebellion- this is where they will not accept any of the social goals, which means that they will go by their own rules and do what they want. They will do what they want, not what other people tell them to do. An example of this would be terrorists because that is going against the social goals and rules. When it comes to relating this to crime. You can relate it because he came up with within the theory that people who are in lower classes are more likely to commit crimes because they have more of a strain than people in higher class. They also came up with a theory that working class is more likely to commit crime. The only thing that also he could not find out when it comes to crime is that is nothing to do with finance and people in classes. They can not explain why people are killed and assaulted when it isn’t anything to do with money. He also found out that not everyone has the same goals; it all depends on a lot of factors like living, finance, religion and many more. Merton could not explain why people will choose one adaption other another one. My own view I agree with the theory, the only thing that I don’t agree with is that I don’t think that people are split into some many groups. I think that there should only be three groups. The three groups that I think there should be are conformity, ritualism and also rebellion. Marxism This is a theory that Karl Marx came up with in (1818- 1883). This theory includes information about the new criminology, Critical criminology, Radical criminology, Left realism, Conflict theory. His theory wasn’t much to do with crime, it was more so to do with economics and ownership are the power influences in society. Examples of this that the more land you own the more powers you have. They will employee people to work on the land. Which also help with the theory that they will have more power than the people working on the land. The Bourgeoisie are the owners of the means of production. The Proletariat are the working classes. He believes that there is always a conflict between classes which will lead to social change. It is basically a conflict between bourgeoisie and proletariat. Bad behaviour was seen as things someone does that the people in power do not approve of. The people in power will bring in laws if they think that the people who are behaving in a bad way are at risk of taking over. Crime comes from the unfairness and also the corrupt nature of the society. The way in which working people were treated. The reasons why working people committed crime was because they were fighting against the repression. The bourgeoisie decided what should be laws and what shouldn’t be. The proletariat listen and just thought they were normal. The reasons why the bourgeoisie brought in the laws was to make sure that the proletariat don’t try and take over and take their place. Crimes of the Bourgeoisie Crimes of the Proletariat tax fraud benefit fraud embezzlement theft pollution assault corporate crime vandalism This table shows the different types of crimes that both categories are most likely to commit. The bourgeoisie group are most likely to create pollution because if they own factories as their own business. They will have fumes coming out and if there are too many they will be polluting the surrounding area and the earth. The proletariat group are most likely to commit crimes like theft because they don’t get paid much money for doing jobs for the bourgeoisie. This means that they may not be able to provide for their families properly which might force them to commit crimes. The two group’s crimes are so different, the bourgeoisie will do because they know they can get away with it and save more money but the proletariat might do it so they can live properly and provide for their families. Labelling Theory This is a theory that a theorist called Becker came up with. His theory was completely different to the other theory because they blame crime on society where as in this theory it is all to do with people who label people. This is where people label an act as a criminal offence. If people didn’t label them people wouldn’t think they were a criminal thing or a wrong thing to do. It won’t be a crime till we say it is. In this theory they say that it is not the criminal who is responsible, it’s the society. He pointed out that most people have committed a crime in their life at some time, big or small. Most people have been caught for doing it so they haven’t been labelled. The only difference between people and criminals is that they have been caught for it and labelled as a criminal. My own view I agree with this in some ways but I don’t agree in others. I agree that some crimes should be labelled because some people might look at it and think that it isn’t a crime but it actually turns out to be. I don’t think that some crimes don’t need labelling because everyone morally knows what is right and what is wrong. So everyone knows that killing someone isn’t right so I don’t think crime with seriousness of that doesn’t need labelling. Chicago School This is a theory that was made by the Chicago school developed. It all came about in the 1930’s in America. It relates to Robert Park’s theory where he talked about urban ecology. They looked at the people and what happen when there are ecological changes in the environment. This could result in people competing for space, invasion of territory and also dominance of other groups of people. This pictures shows where crime is more likely to happen. It is based on a concentric zone theory where different zones and Burgess points out that more crime will be committed in ‘the loop’ and the zone ‘in transition’. (Criminology_theories and effects on portal in crime and its effect on society folder.) My own view I agree with this theory in the fact that the area that people live can affect people to commit crime, but I think it is to focused around that one aspect why people commit crime. An example of this would be peer groups, family etc. Psychology Theories of Crime There are two different parts of psychological. The two different areas that I am going to be looking at are: Psychoanalytical theory Social learning theory Psychoanalytical theory Psychoanalytic theory which is also known as Freudian theory is where they think that people are being dominated by unconscious forces and driven by sexual and aggressive desires. The theory also says that we are not free and we aren’t in charge of ourselves. So something else does everything for us. Freud came up with three state of the mind: The id: the childlike demanding side of a person The ego: the rational logical side The super ego: the moral part of our personality He came up with the theory that if parents do not socialise with their children enough, they will not be able to develop the super ego properly which might result in them not being able to control their ID. Which means that it can lead to bad and also destructive behaviour. My own view When it comes to this theory I don’t agree with it in the sense that it is all to do with sexual and aggressive drives. I think it is just to do with thoughts not sexual or aggressive thoughts. I also disagree in some ways with if the parent don’t show enough attention to their children they would stay in the ID stage. I think that they might slightly be affected but not to the extent that he says it will be. Social learning theory This is all about behavioural psychology. Behavioural psychology is where they people learn behaviour and they are able to maintain it by rewards and also sanctions. When this comes to crimes, they say that crime has either been learned or it is a failure of socialisation process. This is where they were never taught what was right or wrong. They say crime is a learned behaviour, which doesn’t differ from any other learning experience. Criticism of the social learning theory The criticism that was made was that people are very different and no-one is the same and that you don’t know how someone will react to punishment. Someone might be happy but some people might not. All depends on the person. The theory assumes individuals are passive and unquestioning. It neglects the influence the influence of media and wider culture Other contributing factors to crime There are other factors that affect why people commit crime than the ones that I have covered. The other factors that might affect people are: Family Farrington and West (1990) they found that a small amount of people will commit crime because of their family. They account for the large proportion of criminal activity. Families account for a small amount of it though. (UK most crime committed by 10% of the population). Economic factors this shows that people from low economic are more likely to commit crime or involved in criminal activities. Benyan (1994) and Harrower (1998) looked into this theory and found that the nature been poverty and crime will never be a rock solid evidence to prove why people commit crime. Peer pressure this is where friends and also peer groups influence people to commit crime. They might do it because they want to be in a group. Or they feel like an idiot if they don’t do what everyone else is doing. This would normally happen in gangs. Education a poor education can affect it because if they don’t like it. They might not go which might turn them to committing crime because they have nothing else to do. My own view I think that these all contribute to crime in a major way. I think that normally most contributes to crime would be peer pressure because you will be with your friends and other peer so they affect a lot of different things you do and also how you live your life. I think that family is close behind because they will teach you what is right and wrong when you are younger so that you know for when you are older.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Cultural and Sub Cultural Influence of Narcotics Anonymous Essay ex

The Cultural And Sub Cultural Influence of Narcotics Anonymous. The Subculture of N.A is a life outside of any expectations formed by the main Cultural Influence. It is a very private organization that I belong to which became a way of life for me. It has values, traditions, beliefs, sanctions and roles. This is the only outside influence in my life that made me develop meaning to my life again. I was a complete and total crack addict who finally hit the bottom of the barrel and started looking for a way to climb out of the grave I dug myself into. Narcotics Anonymous is a group that has taught me many values. They have twelve values, twelve traditions, and twelve steps. As a group we learn to accept all of the above for mentioned beliefs. There is what you call a home group. That is your main meeting session with your sponsor, (if you choose to have one which is recommended), sharing time, to talk about whatever you choose i.e. your day, if there was a relapse, a stressful day, and just trying to talk to others who understand every struggle we have on a daily basis to stay clean. N.A‘s Values are as follows: 1. Trust: Bonding from addict to addict. 2. Loyalty: Acts of contribution (since they are a self sustaining group). 3. Submission to the spiritual life because that is instilled in many ways especially since it is a part of Traditions, Twelve Steps and values. 4. Courage to change, 5.Caring and sharing, 6.Spiritual Humility, 7. Courage to try, 8. Sincerity: Honest Intentions, 9. Integrity: Honest Intentions, 10. Perseverance and Good Faith, 11. Conscious contact with our higher power, 12. And most importantly: Living Clean. To live by these values is sometimes very hard. The beliefs would be like the Narc... or more to be sponsors, group leaders and other appointed officials. As a result from their hard work it has obviously helped Narcotics Annoonymous. They have grown so much since 1973 when the organization was first incorporated into Society. They have now reached 100 countries and 31,000 meetings weekly. (This Group is na class of its own. It helps people achieve what they want (sobriety), while also teaching them rules and values, and the tools that you need in life to succeed sober. Personally, I believe it is a subculture that is growing due to the fact that more and more are turning to drugs to cope with reality. Eventually when people decide to accept a higher being which has power over them, they will turn to N.A. either after rehab or on their own. Either way if they are open to help they will turn to us. As living proof I am 508 days sober.)

Friday, October 11, 2019

Twelfth Night: Interpretations Through the Directors Staging

Twelfth Night: Interpretations through the Directors Staging Antonio: I could not stay behind you: my desire, More sharp than filed steel, did spur me forth; And not all love to see you, though so much As might have drawn one to a longer voyage, But jealousy what might befall your travel, Being skilless in these parts; which to a stranger, Unguided and unfriended, often prove Rough and unhospitable: my willing love, The rather by these arguments of fear, Set forth in your pursuit. (Twelfth Night, 3. 3. 6-16)For hundreds of years people from all over the world have seen the works of William Shakespeare performed by thousands of actors. Twelfth Night or What you Will is but one of the many comedies written by William Shakespeare that have been produced in many formats, from theater, television and even several feature films. So many different productions of the same works have opened the door to directors adding their own twist to the original script to make it their own. One play can be performed countless different ways, from very conservative or to unconventional depending on the director’s interpretation and intentions.So all writings are open for creative interpretation thus being for this paper I am going to focus on the directorial staging of this play and how the staging and direction brought the focus of the subplot of Antonio and Sebastian into a homoerotic relationship opposed to other renditions of Twelfth Night that were homosocial. Directors have creatively reconstructed these plays pulling from the era, the popular ideology of the community and political correctness at the times the different styles and interpretations so that Shakespeare can be adapted to the current times.My most recent exposure to the Shakespeare is Twelfth Night as it was performed in Ashland, Oregon, during the 2010 Shakespeare Festival, directed by Darko Tresnjak. The design and style of the set design and costumed was reminiscent of the movie Mozart in the play bill t he director did mention that this movie did give him some inspiration for these choices. The white costumes of the Dukes court. The season was summery with no hint of the holidays, no Christmas ornamentation. The actors who played Sebastian and Antonio with the direction from the director acted out the relationship between them as overly homosexual, as if they were lovers.Antonio was far more feminine and flamboyant (similar to the role played by Johnny Depp in the movie Pirates of the Carrabin) and Sebastian was more masculine. I think the director used this opportunity to emphasize this aspect of our modern American homosexual subculture. I think the director wanted to reflect upon homosexuality in America currently instead of the over emphasized the traditional comedic element of cross dressing and mischievous misrepresentation of the sexes that has been a popular and humorous way to perform Shakespeare’s plays.True this play has homoerotic elements in it that hundreds of years ago were considered humor, cross dressing, falling in love with a â€Å"perception† of what is not what you perceive. This was recreated in several comedies during this time. At the time this was written for popular entertainment to be funny and absurd. A romantic comedy where someone falls in love with an illusion and is made to look foolish is an underlying theme in many comedies of the time.The director in the Ashland example defiantly imposes the ideology of modern homosexuality into this version of Twelfth Night. This becomes evident in Act 2, Scene 1 (2. 1. 1-52); â€Å"†¦ ANTONIO: If you will not murder me for my love, let me be your servant. SEBASTIAN: If you will not undo what you have done, that is, kill him whom you have recovered, desire it not. Fare ye well at once: my bosom is full of kindness, and I am yet so near the manners of my mother, that upon the least occasion more mine eyes will tell tales of me. I am bound to the Count Orsino's court: fare well.Exit†¦. † Because the director in the Ashland production had the actor playing Antonio over emphasize his lines in this part of the scene and seam to beg Sebastian as a lover. I would like to introduce two other performances of Twelfth Night that I have selected for this paper, on top of the live performance in Ashland, two other performances of Twelfth Night to exhibit the different ways directors can creatively interpret Shakespeare through the staging and direction to intertwine modern ideas and ideology through their direction, making it relevant for today.I am using a BBC television performance and an American film and I have decided to focus on the characters of Sebastian and Antonio in all three performances to compare the director’s style and depiction of this relationship, of these two, and to see the effect on the whole production. Second I want to introduce an example from the American produced feature film of Twelfth Night or What you Will (Nunn) f rom Fine Line Features Presents a Renaissance Film, directed by Trevor Nunn run time 134min.The actors who played Sebastian and Antonio, under the directors guidance, created a relationship between these two men that suggested a fatherly bond as if Antonio, who saved Sebastian from the ocean, became a surrogate father to this young man Sebastian, who has lost his sister and father. Of all the versions this particular depiction made the most sense and really brought the words to life between these two. Antonio in Act 5, reaction became so believable first the betrayal and confusion with Cesario (Viola) response of not knowing him and then later when Sebastian enters onto the stage, Antonio’s comments on both of them.Act 5 (5. 257-277) â€Å"†¦ANTONIO: Sebastian are you? SEBASTIAN: Fear'st thou that, Antonio? ANTONIO: How have you made division of yourself? An apple, cleft in two, is not more twin than these two creatures. Which is Sebastian?†¦ † I found the pe rformance of the actor who played Antonio as a genuine caring father type to be accurate and in this moment the film captures the disbelief of a man who is seeing a mirror image of his own child. This is what made the words of Shakespeare come alive and gave a hint of truth to this unbelievable tale.This is why I believe that this particular twist is more believable and follows more closely to what the original production would have suggested. The third performance I am introducing is the British production by a Renaissance Theatre Production of Twelfth Night or What you Will A&E, Thames Television in association with the BBC television production directed by Kenneth Branagh run time 165min. the setting of this production was late 1800’s in depth of winter with snow and wind and barren trees, almost on the brink of spring.The director kept in pace with the title of the play by having a Christmas tree, and other holiday novelties. The actors who played Sebastian and Antonio in this production, were staged and directed in the relationship between them as â€Å"sportsmen†, as if they had become best sportsman like friends â€Å"Good Chaps† in the intonations the director has obviously instructed the actors to play down the dialogue that leave a hint of homosocial relationship. This is evident in the way that the end of ACT 2 (2. 1. -52); â€Å"SEBASTIAN: If you will not undo what you have done, that is, kill him whom you have recovered, desire it not. Fare ye well at once: my bosom is full of kindness, and I am yet so near the manners of my mother, that upon the least occasion more mine eyes will tell tales of me. I am bound to the Count Orsino's court: farewell. Exit (this was spoken up beat and as if he was going to a sporting event. ) ANTONIO: The gentleness of all the gods goes with thee! I have many enemies in Orsino's court; else would I very shortly see thee there. This was spoken with a challenge and boisterous. ) But, come what may, I do adore thee so, (this phrase was almost whispered as if it was a second thought. ) That danger shall seem sport, and I will go. Exit† (the last statement before his exit was stated as if he was embarking on an adventure. ) the way that this was performed by the actor who played Antonio played up the masculine and down played the tenderness. This being a British production the topic of homosexuality has been downplayed and not openly addressed, because it is improper etiquette.The idea of still being a man in the public and not projecting your personal preferences is a very real behavior, where as in America it would be acceptable to be â€Å"Out of the closet†. In Europe men’s sexual preference is not something of polite conversation and is not labeled as it is in America because in England the perception of â€Å"man† doesn’t lose their manly hood by having male relations. So this being a British Television production the director would have n ever broached the subject of homosexuality.In America we have grown accustomed to labeling relationships and categorizing everything where in Europe they have grown beyond that and do not need to push labels I believe this was touched on in Manliness Before Individualism: Masculinity, Effeminacy, and Homoerotic in Shakespeare's History Plays Rebecca Ann Bach points out that â€Å"†¦all of which depict England in disorder, are profoundly interested in how manliness is constructed and maintained. Because gender roles and the social order were deeply intertwined in Renaissance England, masculinity surfaces constantly as a point of tension†¦. (Bach) and she goes on to discuss â€Å"†¦Today we live in a world in which men and women are, by definition, separate kinds of people; our culture expends enormous energy from the birth of a child creating and maintaining the distinctions between men and women†¦Ã¢â‚¬  showing the separation of the perception of the rolls of men and women in the very different eras. This seems to be what draws so many to Shakespeare is that he interweaves this idea of separation into a comical theme and makes light of this need to separate and label. This may be why today in England the separation seems to be less than in America.From the evidence I have discovered I surmise that in the time of Shakespeare, the rolls of men and woman were quite different, and to have a young man play the role of a woman was common place due to no female actors, as they do today. To reverse the reversal is somewhat funny for the time, it can also be ironic, or homoerotic. The debate will continue through my time and for eons as to what was really intended by the words of Shakespeare. I do believe though that is the directors who project modern ideologies into the plays, not the writer.I believe it is the director’s drive to personalize and to modernize the work and bring it up to date. The desire to connect the past on a deeper in timate level that makes this director inject such modern ideas into these classics. Humans have a deep seated need to connect with the past and to interpret the past on a personal level and to be able to see ourselves in the past. I believe that the modernization of Plays actually pull us farther away from the past. So even though I may have thought that the staging of Antonio and Sebastian were homosexual and I thought it took away from the whole of the play.The director injected his views of this performance of Twelfth Night to reflect on today’s society and to touch the audience of today, not of yesterday. Directors have always brought the past to life and this is another example of the modern interpretation of Shakespeare. I have to wonder though, what would William think about this production? Work Cited Page: 1. Bach, Rebecca Ann. Manliness Before Individualism: Masculinity, Effeminacy, and Homoerotic in Shakespeare's History Plays. Online October 14, 2010. http://www. blackwellreference. com/public/tocnode? id=g9781405136068_chunk_g978

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Another Day, Another Nickel

Angie Navarro Castillo Composition I Karla Whitehurst Another Day, Another Nickel As I’m driving on Interstate 30 going to work at the restaurant Country Fare, I stare at the beautiful mixture of colors displayed in the sky. Pink, orange, yellow and blue mixed all together in a breathtaking sunset in Arkansas. I get off exit 44. The time is getting closer and I pull over on the parking lot and I see the big sign that says TA. The time has arrived and now I have to work. It may not be the most exciting place for me to be, but if I want to be able to pay my bills, this is where I need to be.I go through the glass door and I say hi to the guys working at Subway right in front of the entrance, then I turn right and walk by the buffet and my shift 4pm to midnight is officially started. Soon after I clock in I must count my drawer, which today is full of different coins, therefore it takes me a while to count it this time. As I am finally ready I start helping customers and taking o rders. The place wasn’t quite busy when I first got there, but half an hour later the restaurant is packed. There are lots of truck drivers starving and anxious to eat and leave.There are no TVs or anything to entertain them, which makes them bored. The dining room is plain and white with few decorations of Saint Patrick’s Day hanging around. All the tables and chairs in the bar are full with customers. I try to help everyone as fast and efficient as possible, the cook in the line is working hard as well. He is yelling the waitresses’ names with every meal when it’s ready to deliver. Tonight there are only two waitresses on the floor; we are both walking back and forth trying to get this dinner rush over with.There are 2 cooks for the buffet and a dish washer guy was not scheduled, consequently the manager is helping with the dishes so we don’t run out of dishes and glasses. I am getting behind, many tables remain dirty and more customers walk in a s soon as some walk out. The atmosphere that once was the background music is now filled with conversations; it’s just blah, blah, and blah. Its only 8 o’clock, and I need to catch my breath for a second, I drink some Pepsi cola. While delivering the steak dinner and pasta to table 12, I just get very hungry.By this time I wish I could take a break, but since there are only 2 of us, I can’t, even though I snack on some crackers while cashing out some customers. I run out of one dollar bills, so I ask the manager on duty to get me the cash. When he comes to the dining room, he realizes how busy we are and finally he helps me bussing some tables. Once I got some help the dining room looks better and less busy. I feel better because I don’t have to run back and forth as much. When it gets as slow as this, it’s time for me to do my side work. I have to sweep, mop, and do fill-ups.Ketchup bottles are almost all empty. I have to fill them up and do so wi th the sweeteners and jellies. Barbara, the graveyard waitress, has arrived, which means it’s time for me to leave. All I have left to do is bring a bucket with ice and fill up the soda machine. I am now ready to count my register and leave. After the shift is over, the restaurant looks calmer and roach free. The only relief that makes my day is to look at my pocket in my apron and see it full of dollars, reward of my hard work. Therefore I say: Another Day, Another Nickel.