Friday, October 18, 2019

Homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Homework - Essay Example The second video explains the bot attacks; the first potential attack is Distributed Denial of Services (DDOS) can be activated by sending a huge amount of traffic b from many bots herders on the victim’s computer so that the customers cannot access the online server. The video explains the second attack named Command Line Control through an Rlogin server in easy to understand method. Further, the video talks about the third bot attack known as Spying on Zombies. The video makes you understand regarding spying the victim’s computer through a key-logger, packet sniff, capturing screenshots etc. The third part of the video emphasis on defenses your system from the potential threat of botnet by keeping bots out, mute bots and detecting the bots activities. The video explains to install firebox, upgrading patch promptly, using antivirus with auto-update, using firebox proxies and GAV, and training of the professionals and users for keeping bots out of your computer system. Organizations can mute and detect activities of bots as well by configuring the firebox appropriately as explained in the video. The article titled â€Å"Microsoft disrupts Nitol botnet spreading on counterfeit Windows PCs† written by Lee Mathews and published on 13th September, 2012. The article explains that the digital crime unit of the Microsoft identified enormous botnet and they have taken control of the domains as per instructions of the court order. The report from the Microsoft’s digital crime unit notifies a malicious attack of Nitol, the botnet. It classifies that the domain Nitol, along with over 70,000 subdomains have been found to be affected by 500 different malware. Following the court orders, Peng Yong, a Chinese businessman surrendered, giving not only the DNS control of Nitol but also the effecting domains to Microsoft, allowing them to filter the incoming and outgoing traffic for the security of users from the suspected attack by Nitol, and other malware from and other sub-domains. At this time, the action taken by Microsoft was not as vigorous as against Waledac, Kalihos or Rustock. Because the investigation teams vigilant the Microsoft while investigating the problems of illegal Windows Installation in China, that more than 20% of the systems have pre-installed unnecessary software including, but not limited to HP or Toshiba-style software bloat. It was the thing as Microsoft suspected from Nitol botnet, developed catastrophic malware that could not only able producing spam and redirect DNS requests but also proliferate through flash drives. The student has summarized the article titled â€Å"Botnet Masters Hide Command and Control Server inside the Tor Network†, by Lucian Constantin. The student has spectacularly discussed the article regarding research of Germans as they found a botnet t hat is hidden in the Tor secrecy network. The botnet can operate on an Internet Relay chat server and it has advantages as well as disadvantages. According to them, it is hard to find its specific location so that is very difficult to locate and shut down. A signal is sent to another computer from the user’s computer, when one uses Tor for internet access.

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