Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mentorship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mentorship - Assignment Example es who have supportive working relationships benefit by accelerated leadership development, higher earnings, and increased job satisfaction (Sosik and Lee, 2002 Mentoring is a professional relationship with a focus on personal and professional development. It may occur through various communication venues including, but not limited to face-to-face interactions, phone, or email. The duration and intensity of the relationship may vary depending on the dynamic of the match and the needs of the individuals involved. (American Physiological Society, 2008). There are range of factors from a clinical environment which may impact upon the learning of individuals and groups in that environment. These factors can be related to the protà ©gà ©, mentor or the other factors of the environment (Chan, 2004). The factors related to protà ©gà © are educational background, knowledge and skills, level of commitment to learn and develop his or her skills and knowledge, dedication, communication with mentor and others. In the same way, mentor needs to have adequate knowledge, skills and experience to share with the protà ©gà © and help them in their development (Hand, 2006). Mentors are senior persons with experiences and usually have busy schedules. The time management with the students are the most challenging aspects of mentoring process (Papp et al, 2003). In many cases, mentoring is considered as important process to help new professionals to develop their skills and knowledge. The perception and attitude of mentor and protà ©gà © influe nces their developmental relationships. For me as a mentor, the most challenging factors of the clinical learning environment for mentoring process as identified are lack of time with mentor, communication gaps between mentor and protà ©gà © and very underdeveloped skills of protà ©gà ©s. Usually in the oncology department, the professionals are loaded with work and new challenges with each patient. Patients are the priority and this makes it very

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